@component('mail::layout') {{-- Header --}} @slot('header') {{-- Check that the $snipeSettings variable is set, images are set to be shown, and setup is complete --}} @if (isset($snipeSettings) && ($snipeSettings::setupCompleted())) @if ($snipeSettings->show_url_in_emails=='1' ) @component('mail::header', ['url' => config('app.url')]) @else @component('mail::header', ['url' => '']) @endif {{-- Show images in email! --}} @if (($snipeSettings->show_images_in_email=='1' ) && (($snipeSettings->brand == '3') || ($snipeSettings->brand == '2'))) {{-- $snipeSettings->brand = 1 = Text --}} {{-- $snipeSettings->brand = 2 = Logo --}} {{-- $snipeSettings->brand = 3 = Logo + Text --}} @if ($snipeSettings->brand == '3') @if ($snipeSettings->email_logo!='') @elseif ($snipeSettings->logo!='') @endif

{{ $snipeSettings->site_name }}

{{-- else if branding type is just logo --}} @elseif ($snipeSettings->brand == '2') @if ($snipeSettings->email_logo!='') @elseif ($snipeSettings->logo!='') @endif @endif @else {{ $snipeSettings->site_name }} @endif {{-- Either the $snipeSettings variable isn't set or setup is not complete --}} @else {{ config('app.name') }} @endif @endcomponent @endslot {{-- Body --}} {{ $slot }} {{-- Subcopy --}} @isset($subcopy) @slot('subcopy') @component('mail::subcopy') {{ $subcopy }} @endcomponent @endslot @endisset {{-- Footer --}} @slot('footer') @component('mail::footer') @if($snipeSettings::setupCompleted()) © {{ date('Y') }} {{ $snipeSettings->site_name }}. All rights reserved. @else © {{ date('Y') }} Snipe-IT. All rights reserved. @endif @if ($snipeSettings->privacy_policy_link!='') {{ trans('admin/settings/general.privacy_policy') }} @endif @endcomponent @endslot @endcomponent